Masahiro Hiramoto “TOKYO nude”(TT001)
・Purchasing the “TOKYO nude” album through the Tekna TOKYO website
・Tekna TOKYO web site上での「TOKYO nude」CD購入について
と同時に平本正宏の『TOKYO nude』がカーステレオから響きはじめた。
皆さん絶対に試みないで下さい。篠山 紀信
tracks includes
- 01. moment 0 (1:21)
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- 02. moment 1 (4:47)
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- 03. moment 2 (5:34)
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
- 04. moment 3 (4:24)
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
- 05. moment 4 (5:03)
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- 06. moment 5 (6:28)
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Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
定価:2100 yen(includes tax)
流通元:DISK UNION MUSIC DISTRIBUTION (担当/小野03-3511-9944)
produce & compose : Masahiro Hiramoto
recorded : Tekna TOKYO studio, tokyo 2009-2010
around tokyo, 2009-2010
mastered : Masato Morisaki (Saidera Mastering)
SuperCollider programming : Shun Owada
design : Takashi Suzuki
design collaboration : Kawachiya Print
Print : Marusuzu, NATURE BLISS
(p) & (c) 2011 Tekna TOKYO
Manufactured by Tekna TOKYO 2011 TT001
< Masahiro HIRAMOTO’s first album release, “erotically transforming Tokyo into music”>
After composing music for visual and stage pieces, such as digi+KISHIN by photographer Kishin SHINOYAMA and Noism by choreographer Jo KANAMORI to name a few, Masahiro HIRAMOTO is set to release his long awaited first album, TOKYO nude.
The album TOKYO nude is a conglomeration of images distilled from numerous dialogues between HIRAMOTO and Kishin SHINOYAMA.
The theme is “erotically transforming Tokyo into music”.
It is composed from frequency analyzed acoustic essences extracted via a computer program, using massive amounts of sounds, field recorded at more than 100 positions thru out the metropolis and amassing to a total of over 2000 minutes.
The album is made up of 2 parts, 7 pieces under the title “moment” and 4 pieces under the title “movement”, totaling to 11 pieces in all.
The pieces titled “moment” was produced by reprising the sounds of Tokyo in various cycles. The resulting sounds, containing many ultra-high and low frequencies, at times resulting in glitch-like beats, and at other times resulting in chaotic drones with multitude of entangled pulse-tones, culminating in an extreme and furious transformation.
The pieces titled “movement” are massive clusters of drone pieces, made by maximizing the acoustic qualities inherent in each sound emitted in Tokyo. The sounds are reminiscent of “Atmosphere” and “Requiem” by Ligeti György Sándor, and it has a multi-layered sophistication as if the city of Tokyo itself just appeared right before the eyes, giving it an outstandingly strong vibrancy.
As a footnote for the above, “movement” was performed as a concert piece at Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo, in February of 2010.
The sounds one may listen on this album are all sounds that Tokyo emits daily, and at the same time are all sounds maddeningly and beautifully peeling out after circulating in the veins of a composer named Masahiro HIRAMOTO, —– and all filled to the brim with eroticism.
写真家篠山紀信制作の映像作品digi+KISHIN、振付家金森穣が主宰するNoismをはじめとする様々な映像作品、舞台作品の音楽を担当してきた平本正宏が、待望のファースト・アルバム「TOKYO nude」をリリースする。
本作「TOKYO nude」は、平本が篠山紀信氏との”東京”を巡る様々な対話をきっかけに制作された。
「TOKYO nude」は” moment ”と題された7曲と、” movement “と題された4曲の2部構成、計11曲となっている。
” moment “は、東京の音をコンピュータ・プログラムで様々な周期で反復させることにより作られた。超高・低周波を多く含むサウンドは、時に重厚でグリッチなビートとなり、時にパルストーンが無数絡まり合うカオティックなドローンとなり激しく高速に変化していく。
” movement “は、東京の音の音響特性を最大限表出させた巨大ドローン作品である。ジョルジ・リゲティの「atmosphere」や「requiem」を彷彿とさせるそのサウンドは、東京という都市が目の前に立ち現れるかのような重層的かつ複雑な構造を持ち、その響きは強靭だ。なお、” movement “は2010年2月にトーキョーワンダーサイト本郷にてコンサート作品として発表されている。